I really want to hear from you-reach out!
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20 cost-free
book marketing ideas.
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Social Media
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Have something you’ve been dying to know the answer to?
Want more information on a topic we’ve touched on?
Wonder no more!
I’m always open to finding out what you want to hear more about. Send me an email with your thoughts and ideas for topics for future courses, pdf tutorials, video tutorials, Newspaper Dress photo series character ideas, book styling ideas, and anything else you want to see from Reading Transforms.
Don’t be afraid to ask, seriously! The worst that can happen is that it’s something I can’t help you with personally and even then I’ll try to get you directed to a place that can help get you answers.
I’m a certified teacher...I’m going to do everything I can to help you out...it’s kind of my life’s mission.
Become an Affiliate
Becoming an affiliate is easy. All you have to do is like us and want to work with us on events and projects...and we have to like you and want to work with you on events and projects.
We love hanging out with different publishers, companies, and industry professionals!
We frequently run different social media events and parties with publishers/companies/industry professionals simply because it’s fun and we want the industry to grow.
You bring what you can, we’ll bring what we can, and together we’ll put on a really cool event/contest/party/etc
You support Reading Transforms and we support you. It’s as easy as that.
Now all you have to do is reach out.
Nothing is mandatory with this. We will support each other in the best ways we can as much as we can. You don’t have to do anything that doesn’t fit with your brand and I don’t have to do anything that doesn’t fit with mine. The only thing either of us has to do is be kind and supportive (even if we can’t help for whatever reason)
Reach out. Let’s get this started and see what amazing things we can come up with!
You’ve been dying to talk to me-awesome! Let’s chat!
Social media:
Twitter: www.twitter.com/readngtransform
Instagram: www.instagram.com/readingtransforms
Facebook: www.facebook.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/kmrobinsonphoto
Instagram: www.instagram.com/k_m_robinson_photography
Facebook: www.facebook.com/kmrobinsonphotography
Periscope: http://periscope.tv/readngtransform
Youtube Channels:
Reading Transforms: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3S8QdBrzyol0TciHknraDw
(Series videos, Book Photography Tutorial videos)
K.M. Robinson Photography: https://www.youtube.com/user/kmrobinsonphotograph
(Book trailers, Photo Shoot Behind the Scenes, Series videos, editing videos, etc)
Images are provided here as a courtesy to clients of K.M. Robinson Photography. You are welcome to tag yourself, share these images on your Facebook page, or to use them as your profile image. Cropping, altering, saving, printing or using photos in any way is not permitted. Thanks for your cooperation! Enjoy!
Freebie Alert!!
How to Market Your Book Creatively and Effectively Even When You’re Flat Broke:
Twenty easy-to-do marketing ideas that won’t cost you a dime to implement into your author marketing plan
In affiliation with
K.M. Robinson Photography
Reading Transforms
Author Services