


We know that the book world can feel isolating at times. It can be hard to make other industry friends. At times it seems like you don’t know anyone who can support you.

We’ve been there.

But you are not alone.

That’s why we designed our communities, to create a place for book world people to come together, work with each other and support one another in a caring, understanding, safe place.

Want to join us?

A free gift to you:

20 cost-free

book marketing ideas.

Grab it here:


This one is by invitation only, one of the current members must invite you once we trust you. Remember, this is a super safe place for us. If you don’t know one of the girls, don’t fret--you know me. Strike up a conversation-I love to be social-and I won’t think it’s weird at all. We’ve got the most fantastic group of authors, editors, acquisitions, designers, marketers, etc

Beta Reader/ArC Reviewer


This one is for people who love to read, can commit to writing honest reviews or giving constructively critical feedback in a timely manner, and is happy to work directly with authors. Nothing is mandatory, you read only what you want to read. We offer direct contact with the authors in case you want interviews, events, games, etc for your blog. We need to take a look at your Amazon and Goodread pages to see that you know what you’re doing. If you’re working on the Beta part of the team, we’ll put you through our Reading Transforms training to help you become a better beta reader. It’s a great way to build your brand.

We’re always looking for new members of the club-seriously, reach out! We just need to know you won’t start drama and you’re in!

Images are provided here as a courtesy to clients of K.M. Robinson Photography. You are welcome to tag yourself, share these images on your Facebook page, or to use them as your profile image. Cropping, altering, saving, printing or using photos in any way is not permitted. Thanks for your cooperation! Enjoy!









Freebie Alert!!

How to Market Your Book Creatively and Effectively Even When You’re Flat Broke:

Twenty easy-to-do marketing ideas that won’t cost you a dime to implement into your author marketing plan


In affiliation with

K.M. Robinson Photography


Reading Transforms

Author Services
